These steps will help you use the tool properly. Here we go:

  1. Click on the gear icon to open the settings menu;
  2. Click Edit Page;
  3. Click Edit Source;


  4. Paste the following HTML and replace the placeholders with your own values:

        <div id="ELEMENTID"><img data-bt-parallax="ELEMENTID" data-bt-parallax-speed="0.35" src="" data-height="500" width="200"></div>

  5. Click Ok and then Save.

Attribute Value
data-bt-parallax Element ID (required)
data-bt-parallax-speed Value from 0 to 1 (if unset takes in 0.65)
data-height Value in PX (if unset takes in 100%)
data-width Value in PX (if unset takes in 100%)